Trisha Mitchell Coburn is a Writer, Artist, Interior Designer and a National Storyteller with Narativ. She was also recently selected by The Moth to perform at The Moth Mainstage in New York City. She lives in New York City.

30 responses »

  1. Hi Trisha,

    I was at “The Moth” event in Austin a few days ago and really enjoyed listening to your story. My wife and I agreed that yours was the best of the evening. You conveyed a humble rags to riches story with a tough of humor and sadness very well.

    I am new to the story telling community but am trying to get up to speed quickly. I recently started a company and launched an iPad application for helping people to create, save and share their personal and family stories. Its called “StoryPress”.

    It was designed for family / genealogy use but I think there may be broader appeal. We are in the earliest of phases (launched last week) and would love to get your feedback and any idea’s you had on making the product even better. Below is a promo code so you don’t have to pay to download it.

    Redeem Code: NWK7X4HMP4PX


    Mike Davis
    CEO & Founder, StoryPress Inc.

  2. Trisha….we just listened to your story again….such a powerful story which says without saying so, that the power of love and intention changes the world. Thank you for bringing Miss Macy into our lives. xo Paul and Simon

  3. I was driving home this evening and heard your hilarious and heartbreaking story on The Moth.
    I wish I had had a Miss Macy in my life…Thank you for the great storytelling.
    I raise my glass of Drambuie to you and Miss Macy!

    • ThANK YOU Carol! I love your encouraging words! I am working on a book right now! Send me creative energy to keep it going! Thanks again.

      Warm regards, Trisha

  4. I just listened to your story on the Moth podcast, and I am thrilled you are writing a book!
    I never write comments about anything, but as a long time Moth listener, I can truly say that yours was one of the best I have ever heard.
    Your storytelling style is simply wonderful, as was the story.
    I will be first in line to order your book, and I cannot wait to hear what happened next!

  5. I was so moved by your heartfelft story that I laughed and cried sitting in my 90 degrees car parked in a parking lot! (windows and door were open) It gave me a chance to reflect and to think of my Miss Macy! Thank you for sharing this story about 2 beautiful people. You and Miss Macy!

  6. Trisha, what was your maiden name? I grew up in the Norwood community at the same time you would have grown up in Anniston. Are the the former model?

  7. Yes, I checked your blog, and you are the Trisha Mitchell I was thinking about. My sisters Brenda and Carol are about your age. You attended Norwood School with me and Norwood Baptist Church. So good to see you thriving and loving life.

  8. Hello Trisha,
    What a picture you painted with words. Thank you for sharing. Speaking of pictures I’d love to see what you looked like when you visited NYC or during your modeling years.

  9. Thanks for sharing your story on The Moth. I enjoyed listening to it twice (once on the radio while driving in the car and once on the podcast while walking my dogs.) Your story was funny, emotionally moving, inspirational, and well-told. Miss Macy sounds like a wonderful woman. I look forward to reading your book.

  10. I just listened to your Moth broadcast and loved it. Being a Southern gal myself, I could totally relate to Miss Macy and her charm school. Many of us were lucky to have mothers/grandmothers “school us” in the manners of the Southern lady – you were fortunate to have your own private tutor and advocate. Question….I devoured Glamour magazine about the same time you were modeling, is there a web site I can view pictures of you from that period? I would love to be able to say…”I remember her!” ; ) Thanks.

  11. Hi Tricia. Another driveway moment for me as I pictured you standing in the hallway before you last saw Miss Macy. I think the greatest gift you can give another human being are the words ” I believe in you.” Thanks for telling the world your story. Love from Portland. tusk

  12. I discovered The Moth a few months ago. I enjoyed a couple of the stories enough that I listened a second time, but yours I’ve revisited five or six times. Your story is entertaining and touching. Your affection and gratitude for Miss Macy shine through. Thank you!

  13. Some may say you were lucky but i see hear the bravery in your voice. You took a leap of faith and i find it so inspiring. You are a fabulous storyteller, i hope i get to hear more.

  14. My husband, Jimmy Batchelor, and I just listened to your story on The Moth. He has fond memories of knowing you while at Saks High.

  15. Trisha, When I heard your story about Miss Macy it made me cry because it was so touching. I would love to share this but I cannot pick up the audio when I share. Would you mind sharing this to my timeline on facebook? Perhaps it would pick up the audio then. This is a wonderful story of how our dreams can come true with determination and faith.

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